Order Fulfillment

The Amazon Multi Channel Fuflillment app gives you the option to have your orders automatically sent to Amazon once it has been placed or to manually approve each order before sending to Amazon.

If it's your first time using the app, we recommend setting order fuflillment to "Manual order fulfillment" to test a few orders first.

Manual fulfillment

Orders will have an “on hold” fulfillment status and will require you to manually approve orders before sending them to Amazon for fulfillment.

Learn more about approving orders below.

Approving Orders

Automatic fulfillment

Orders will automatically be sent to Amazon to fulfill if the payment status is marked as paid or authorized. If an order does not meet this criteria or is high risk, the order's fulfillment status will be placed "on hold" until manually approved.

Different plans will send orders to Amazon at different intervals. See plans for details

If the "Manual fulfillment" setting is selected, tracking links will need to be manually added to the order once dispatched.

If the "Automatic fulfillment" setting is selected, tracking links will automatically be added to the order once dispatched.

Last updated